Horrible awful no-good mood. Don't want to do this or anything else. Don't want to be vulnerable to anyone, including myself. And also secretly I know I want to do this.
Contemplative Practice (10 minutes):
Meditated in half lotus in the one shaft of sunlight in the room.
Warm-up (15 minutes):
Did cat/cow stretch and child's pose.
Decided to work with intercostal muscles today
Rolled around on floor as felt pleasurable.
Spoke stream of thoughts: "I'm never a good enough..."
Sang stream of thoughts: "I'm never a good enough..."
Training (35 minutes):
Did pseudo-tai-chi while singing "When the river meets the sea."
Stretched and stroked intercostals while singing "When the river meets the sea."
Did 100 jumping jacks then did body scan, focusing on intercostal muscles
Worked in silence and slow motion, trying to breathe from stomach without using shoulders, playing with hard and soft edges, fluid and angular motion.
Created hand/arm choreography with fists and clasped hands.
Sang Dona Nobis Pacem
Sang Dona Nobis Pacem with hand/arm choreography.
Note-taking (5 minutes):
Sat in studio, drank cold coffee, wrote Tiny Imaginary Play #8
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