Monday, January 10, 2011

Intertext: Sun Dogs and Theatrical Practice

Sun dogs, also known as parhelia or "phantom suns," are an atmospheric phenomena that create bright spots of light in the sky on either side of the sun. Often appearing in an arc or halo, they are the result of light passing through ice crystals in the sky.

They've been seen and mused on throughout history, and show up in art and literature, often interpreted as signs from the divine.

I've been lucky enough to see them on several occasions, and while I know they're purely astronomical phenomena that can be explained away in an instant as a mere side effect of physics and chemistry, I still find them beautiful and mystic.

In this blog I plan to keep a record of my experiences in my solo training practice. I'll write weekly after each session, and perhaps occasionally share video snippets. Because this blog is a record, I'll attempt to describe my experiences simply and without too much reflection, analysis, or interpretation. It may be dull, but I hope that it will add in some small way to the greater body of knowledge that emerges from practice as research.

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