Friday, January 21, 2011

1/21/11: Solo Training Session #2

Afraid to video myself. Annoyed that I can’t do the full 2 hours. Afraid that I’m not going to come up with anything good, that I’ll do this exploration and find nothing. Fear that there are many other people out there much more qualified to do this than I am.

Contemplative Practice (7 minutes):
Child’s pose. Brought a blanket this time, and a warm hoodie. Made some sound but mostly tried to meditate. Body and mind felt pretty happy.

Warm-Up (7 minutes):
Turned on video camera and tried really hard to ignore it. Rolled around developmental movement-style. Played with sighs that turned into sounds. Exploring upper part of register (in contrast to last week’s baritone, and in response to recent conversation about my learned/artificial lowering of my natural vocal register).

Free Improvisation (40 minutes):
Spent time making high screechy wails, listening to the double tones that those sounds can make.

Did slow motion fist-fight. Played with sounds to accompany each motion.

Realized I hadn’t done my morning altar-waking ritual, so did a mimed version of those actions.

The opening of the Yemeni flower candle-holder became a twirling, dervish-esque dance. Wished I could dance better.

Found a character – a pre-adolescent Israeli girl dancing alone, singing songs to herself in a high strange soprano voice that are half made-up, half-traditional. Perhaps she is a prophet.

Ran around in circles. Ran back and forth. Walked a line in the floor like a tightrope, quickly. Speech about how perception feels like in fast motion versus slow motion.

Slow motion exploration, thinking about sensation inside the body.

Someone walks in at the end. Wish this room had doors that lock.

Note-taking (10 minutes):
Walked over to the Stanford Memorial Church, took notes sitting in the beautiful silence and golden light, under the sweet angels. Wrote Tiny Imaginary Play #2 (click here to read)

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